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Case Notes From a Hospital

December 12, 2013

by Andrew Cvercko

And now, we conclude our story, the beginning of which was posted before Thanksgiving. . .


Client 1223866 continues to remain in observation room, but has been removed from isolation. Client refuses to shower despite repeated requests from this writer. Client’s case was presented during supervision earlier this week, and several staff have commended Client’s progress despite, to this writer, any evidence of such progress. It was decided by staff the Client is appointed community leader, feeling this will help him further in his treatment.

As community leader, Client will be responsible for other clients attending groups and receiving medications on time. Client was happy to accept, and the rest of the community were very satisfied by this choice.


Upon arrival to the unit this morning, this writer found that Client 1223866 had been allowed to cook breakfast for unit. This is against protocol, but other staff did not seem concerned at all. This writer had a session with Client, during which this writer was offered french toast by Client, which this writer refused. This writer recommended to the other Psychologists that Client be moved to another facility, as several of our staff seem to have been manipulated by Client into allowing him too much freedom, but the request was denied. This writer took away Client’s TV privileges for day, but still witnessed Client multiple times in the TV lounge. This writer has submitted conduct reports on multiple staff.


Situation with Client 1223866 has gotten completely out of hand. Psychoeducation groups have been replaced by strange religious services headed by Client, where stuffed animals are offered as sacrifices to nameless gods. Client has apparently engaged in sexual relations with multiple other clients, and, this writer suspects, some staff. Other clients have begun to deny meals, instead eating small mustard packets in imitation of Client. Conduct reports on staff that were unprofessionally involved with Client have yielded no results. Investigations have all ended with this writer being told that no misconduct or abnormality can be found. Client spends days in luxury, waited on hand and foot. This writer will submit a formal report to the state’s mental health board in am.


Strange buzzing everywhere. Leering eyes. Thousands and thousands of mouths gnashing in darkness. Stone monoliths surrounded by subhuman beings speaking horrible, forgotten tongues. Whispers of dead gods, of unspeakable places seem to come from every direction, including several that do not exist. Report submitted. Eagerly awaiting reply.


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They won’t get me. Office door barricaded. Must write note in chart. Must warn others. THe Masters are coming. There is nothing we can do to stop it, but must try. Stone knives are being sharpened. I believe that they are going to sacrifice me next. Won’t let them. Can’t let them.


As previous primary psychologist, Thomas Newchurch, has not appeared at work since 11.7. Client 1223866 has been reassigned to Dr. Alex Bastable. This writer has decided that Client has reached full therapeutic potential at our facility and will transfer Client tomorrow morning to St. Jude Hospital. Discharge paperwork has been filed. Client has shown significant improvement during stay at Fordham. Transport set to occur around 10am.

Part I (previously published):


New client is being transferred from Fordham Hospital tomorrow. Client is reported as having schizophrenia undifferentiated. Religious obsessions, paranoid hallucinations (audio/ visual/tactile), lack of empathy, distorted thought. Client has no contact with family, no work history. Last place of residence, Providence, RI. Highest level of education completed is bachelor’s degree in biology (was in last year of graduate studies when psychotic break occurred). Client’s paperwork filed and countersigned. Primary psychologist will be Dr. Thomas Newchurch.


Met with Client 1223866 today. Presents as well-groomed, pleasant, and compliant. Client provides adequate answers to orientation questions (date, president, where client currently is, etc.) but shows distorted thinking. Religious delusions evidenced during session, Client believing himself to be a messenger of “the Masters”, and when asked if he knew why he was here, stating, “I come to awaken those who the Masters left here in the time before time.” States “the Masters” first contacted him during internship at a research facility in Antarctica, confirming data of first episode. Refuses to eat any of the food on the unit, subsisting on mustard packets and orange Hi-C. Pleasant and responsive in all other avenues. Initial medication regimen will be as follows: thorazine, trazodone, klonopin. Will meet again next week.


Client 1223866 was moved to another room. Several of his roommates claimed to hear a constant buzzing that he attributed to Client constructing “strange technology that can cloud minds.” Client was attacked in the middle of the night 9/18/13 by one peer, prompting room change. Clients on the unit appear to have discussed the situation, as new room mates continue to complain of buzzing at night.

When asked to discuss the incident, Client presents as calm and aloof. States “Such behavior is to be expected of those who shall be mere foodstuffs when the Masters arrive.” States no desire to harm other clients in retaliation as “I don’t need to, the time shall come for retribution.” Client in good spirits throughout session. Must be closely monitored, to ensure own safety and that of others. Thorazine dosage increased.


Client 1223866 participated in an art therapy group. This group is designed to facilitate community building, and to allow clients an opportunity to channel emotions in productive ways.

Client 1223866 at first had difficulty in this group. Produced a “poem” of stray lines and geometric shapes. Client informed group facilitator that it was a traditional hymn to the Masters. Client said the Masters refuse to be worshipped in “the slave tongues”. When told make another attempt, as art therapy pieces needed to be in a form understandable to the facilitator, Client produced a drawing of people amongst a field of giant smiling flowers. Client shows progress.


Client 1223866 has been moved again, now to the observation room next to the nurse’s station. Early last week, the VCR and several components of the TV in the client lounge were stolen. Upon room inspection by staff, these materials were located in Client’s belongings. When confronted on the issue, Client became aggressive with staff. Client bit one of the techs, and was removed by security. Client apologized during our therapy session earlier today, and was instructed to write a letter to the bitten tech. Client has agreed, and signed a behavioral contract that indicates he will not bite anyone else.


Client 1223866 has not left the observation room since he was moved there. Client spends all day writing in a similar fashion to that from the art therapy group. Client has to date filled three notebooks with the symbols. When not sleeping or eating, Clients writes. Other clients have been repeatedly asked to stop bringing mustard and Hi-C to Client, but Client always appears to have enough, despite repeated room searches and confiscations.


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